Tuesday, June 3, 2014

                                                                    BE STILL

Be still awhile and search inside for a place to meet with the Lord. You will know, he will come. The presence of the Lord is the power of creation. Lay yourself as a garment upon his perfect pattern and resting there be woven with the silver thread, be conformed to the image of Christ.                                                                                                                                                                             
Daily in His presence your 'self' will slip away, errant body cells resume their rightful functions and peace, like a river, prevails.

Thursday, May 29, 2014




Not just that Jesus died for us but in living he lived for us.   In every way Jesus gave his life to us.   His time, his tears, his privacy, his right to have a 'life' literally, he gave it away to the dying around him.

     Jesus set the standard and calls us to it:  In living give your life away.   Do the unthinkable: think of others first.   Pour yourself out for Christ's sake,  in the process you become living water. 
The people may hunger for comfort and things but the souls of those people thirst for the water of life!   In the thing that is given there may be great worth but  the grace of God attends to the heart and soul of the giver not the gift.    Acts of human compassion and sacrifice aligns one with the dynamics of God where the Christ-light spans the void.  Out of our wealth we give wealth but out of our compassion we can  give life.