Friday, November 26, 2010

The Porcelain Papoose

I ran my fingers over the contours of the porcelain doll as I admired the colors and minute detail. Having never paid much attention to ceramic art, I had no idea what its age or origin were.
But I was able to recollect some tidbits about ceramics from Arthist101, a class I had in college.
Ceramic casting is a fine art that has evolved from the crude clay pots of pre-history to the exquisite porcelain creations of China. During the time of Jesus the clay water pots, like the ones at Cana, were called ‘earthen’ vessels because they were made of earth as opposed to the also common goatskin bottles.
The piece in my hand, though far more refined than clay pottery, was also made of earth. And the masterpieces of China? Yep they’re earth too.
Amazing how simple crude clay can be made into something so delicate and beautiful! Almost before I had finished the thought, a broader, higher truth unfolded. If we are amazed at what the porcelain artist has done with clay, how shall we describe what God has done…with clay?
God has fashioned the ultimate china doll: the human baby, for all it’s beauty and complexity, is ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ ..of clay.
“..and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.’ (Gen 2:7)
Formed of clay, enlivened by the breath of God and and filled with the Holy Spirit. The child of God. What a doll!
But let us be reminded as Paul reminded the Greeks who had witnessed the
Works of the Holy Spirit in the saints at Corinth. “..we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.’ (2Cor 4:7) If you give back to God the clay pot that you are, though cracked and weathered, he will fill it with the treasures of his spirit to perform immortal works of love and ministry through you. And you will reign in life through him, living out the heritage of the saints of God and
‘..if ever the silver cord be loosed or the golden bowl be broken then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit return to God who gave it’
(Ecc.12:6) When the work is done and the sealed soul has taken flight.
May your memory be, in the hearts of your loved ones, a precious porcelain papoose.
By the way it is also God’s design that has placed in our hearts a tiny handle that babies take hold of and bend us to their will.

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